Supervisory Board struggles

Yet another nominee for the Supervisory Board of the university has failed to be approved.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

There has been a vacancy for a member preferred by the participation council (see box) ever since Agnes Schaafsma left the Supervisory Board on 1 November, 2015. Since then, the University Council has not succeeded in filling her spot.

The first proposed candidate turned out to no longer be available. The second candidate, Katinka Slump, was rejected by the ministry of Education in April for allegedly being too critical. A third person had to abandon their candidacy last summer ‘due to personal circumstances’, a source close to the University Council says. The council members would not say who this person was.

New nomination

The University Council is now tasked with nominating someone else. They are supposedly in talks with several candidates and will be making a final attempt to propose two candidates to the minister of Education. Should they fail, at least once candidate will be proposed to the ministry within three weeks.

The higher education and scientific research act (Whw) states that every public university in the Netherlands should have a supervisory board. This supervisory board should consist of at least three and at most five members. At the RUG, the board consists of five people who are appointed by the ministry of Education for four years at most. It is a part-time, ancillary position. The supervisors receive a remuneration of 15,000 euros a year.
The board should have one minister-appointed member who was nominated by the University Council or, in legalese, the ‘participation council’ (article 9,7 Whw). The minister also appoints one member that is preferred by the University Council. These two concepts can be united in one member who is preferred by the University Council and nominated by the same, but that is not necessarily the case.


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