Students share everything about their well-being

The previous episode of Over De Streep being recorded in the Harmonie cafeteria.

Students share everything about their well-being

Law faculty students are organising an English-language version of Over De Streep for students who are struggling in the corona crisis: ‘Now We’re Talking… About Student Well-Being’.
26 April om 17:05 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 27 April 2021
om 11:10 uur.
April 26 at 17:05 PM.
Last modified on April 27, 2021
at 11:10 AM.
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Door René Hoogschagen

26 April om 17:05 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 27 April 2021
om 11:10 uur.
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By René Hoogschagen

April 26 at 17:05 PM.
Last modified on April 27, 2021
at 11:10 AM.

It’s an online version of Dutch programme Over De Streep, which encouraged people to talk about their problems and meet with others who were facing the same problems. The statements in the programme will mainly focus on how students are feeling during lockdown, and how they’re dealing with everything.

The programme will differ from the television version. Because of the corona restrictions, people won’t literally be able to step over a line. Instead, a small group of socially distanced students will raise their hand if they feel a statement applies to them. Other participants can do so from behind their computer screens.


The law faculty and various study associations organised a Dutch version of the programme earlier this year, hosted by Gwen van Poorten. This edition will be hosted by international law professor Mando Rachovitsa, and it will focus on international students.

‘Internationals are facing different issues’, says student assessor Jolien Bruinewoud. She is organising the project in collaboration with international study association Nexus and the student parties on the faculty council.

Travel restrictions

International students who are still in Groningen are having a hard time, Bruinewoud says. ‘They can’t just go home and see their parents because of the travel restrictions.’ Internationals who did go home to their parents are having trouble because of the distance. For one, they’re in a different time zone, which is a practical problem, says Bruinewoud. ‘Some of them have to sit exams at the weirdest hours.’

Now We’re Talking… About Student Well-Being will take place on Thursday, May 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. Anyone who’s interested in participating can sign up here.  The Dutch version of Over De Streep is available on YouTube.


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