SSH threatens new sanctions after another illegal party

SSH threatens new sanctions after another illegal party

Student housing corporation SSH is considering new sanctions against residents at the Winschoterdiep after they organised another illegal party last weekend.
12 January om 15:43 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 12 January 2021
om 16:21 uur.
January 12 at 15:43 PM.
Last modified on January 12, 2021
at 16:21 PM.
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Door Giulia Fabrizi

12 January om 15:43 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 12 January 2021
om 16:21 uur.
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By Giulia Fabrizi

January 12 at 15:43 PM.
Last modified on January 12, 2021
at 16:21 PM.

A female resident was having a birthday party and posted a video of it on her personal Instagram page. SSH spokesperson Madelon van Gameren says the video showed that people were on the property around midnight on Saturday night. ‘Security checked the property at fifteen minutes past midnight, but by then the party was already over’, she says.

But it’s clear that dozens of students gathered that evening at the party, flouting the corona rules. They were also breaking the strict rules the SSH introduced in October after earlier parties in the building.

Random pattern

Security at all SSH properties has since been tasked with keeping the students in line. The guards aren’t stationed permanently in the buildings; they make rounds between the buildings. ‘The rounds are a different pattern every time, to make sure they’re unpredictable’, says Van Gameren.

‘It allows us to randomly check up on our properties. There are also three student custodians at the Winschoterdiep who alert us when things get out of hand.’ It was one of the custodians who called security to report the party on Saturday night.

Earlier actions

In October, the police broke up a party at the Winschoterdiep after several noise complaints. SSH sent an angry email to all its residents and took action.

As long as corona lasts, residents are not allowed to receive outside guests. No more than four people at a time are allowed in common spaces, and only if they socially distance. No one is allowed in the common rooms after ten p.m.

Van Gameren says they’ve seen an improvement since the implementation of the new rules in October. ‘Ever since we followed up, most of the residents follow the rules. We’re very proud of them. In addition to our earlier actions, we also email our residents to let them know it’s their responsibility.’


But not everyone seems to have got the message. In its angry October email, SSH wrote that anyone who broke the national corona rules or the new house rules could count on heavy sanctions.

But SSH has yet to decide on the consequences of last weekend’s party. ‘We’d first like to talk to the resident who threw the party to have her tell us what happened. Then we’ll decide what sanction to impose’, says Van Gameren.


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