Outcry over Gyas members shooting pigeons

Photo courtesy of Sikkom.

Outcry over Gyas members shooting pigeons

Student rowing association Gyas ‘expressly distances’ itself from photos showing two members posing in the boathouse with six dead pigeons and what is probably an air rifle.
6 May om 11:50 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 6 May 2021
om 11:51 uur.
May 6 at 11:50 AM.
Last modified on May 6, 2021
at 11:51 AM.
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Door Giulia Fabrizi

6 May om 11:50 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 6 May 2021
om 11:51 uur.
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By Giulia Fabrizi

May 6 at 11:50 AM.
Last modified on May 6, 2021
at 11:51 AM.

The photos were shared with city blog Sikkom, with the contributors expressing their disgust at the action.  


There is a rumour among students that a dozen or so Gyas members had a permit to shoot the pigeons. Bob Langereis, external relations manager at Gyas, wouldn’t confirm this, referring instead to the official statement on the club’s website. 

The club writes that ‘a reprehensible and offensive incident occurred that absolutely should not have happened’.

Whether the members in question did have a permit Anthony Hoogeveen, police spokesperson, doesn’t know yet. But it’s theoretically possible, he says. Permit holders do have to meet various requirements before they’re allowed to shoot pigeons. ‘They definitely can’t just go outside and shoot a pigeon.’

Wild rock doves

It is allowed to chase away some species. One of these is the wild rock dove. It’s suspected the pigeons the students are holding are of this species. They do not fall under the nature conservation law, because there are so many of them. 

Hoogeveen can’t confirm whether the pigeons in the photo are definitely wild rock doves. But even then, people have to contact the city and make arrangements about chasing them off.  


The Animal Party, which is on the city council, thinks the students broke several laws and wants the mayor to take action.

Whether the association board knew about the students’ actions beforehand is unclear. In its statement, the club writes that it disapproves of the behaviour entirely. ‘It is therefore likely that this will have consequences for the members and board members involved.’ 


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