No Night in 2017

There will be no Night of Arts & Science next year. The organisation is considering a new format.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

RUG spokesperson Gernant Deekens confirmed this on Tuesday. After seven editions, the partners in the Akkoord van Groningen (Groningen Accord) – the municipality, RUG, Hanze University of Applied Sciences and the UMCG – want to collaborate with the Groninger Forum in thinking about a new, future-proof format for the festival next year.

According to the partners, the scientific and cultural talent in Groningen deserves a more inspiring stage and a larger audience. Early next year they will decide on the new festival, which will take place in 2018.

Thousands fewer visitors

The last Night, in June of this year ‘only’ attracted 3,000 visitors, just like the year before. In 2011, 2012, and 2013, the number of visitors was around 15,000. The Groninger Museum alone attracted 5,000 visitors during those years.

When the Groninger Forum joined the organisation of the festival in 2015, they made the decision to organise a more compact version of The Night of Arts & Science. ‘We’re now more focussed on art and science than on musical performances. There are no more outside stages that are openly accessible. Obviously, music is an art form as well, but we’re not a music festival’, Milou de Boert previously remarked.

The Night’s objective is to make art and science more easily accessible to a wide audience.


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