No exclusive vegan food, meat stays on the menu

No support among students and staff

No exclusively vegan snacks; meat stays on the menu

Snacks during events and gatherings at the RUG will not become exclusively vegan any time soon. The university says people don’t want it.
By Rob Siebelink / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen
8 October om 12:15 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:17 uur.
October 8 at 12:15 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:17 PM.

Last academic year, university council student party De Vrije Student suggested the RUG provide only plant-based foods and drinks during events and gatherings (so not in the restaurants).

Fish and meat would only be served if people specifically requested it beforehand. Student parties SOG and DAG, as well as the personnel faction, supported this proposal as well.

Several other universities have adopted standard vegetarian lunches and event catering, and the Faculty of Philosophy at the RUG has taken steps to make the food and drinks it offers more sustainable.


The RUG applauds the increase in sustainable foods, but thinks going vegan ‘unless otherwise requested’ is taking it a step too far at the moment. The university says it wants to provide a variety of plant and animal proteins.

They’d prefer to improve the vegetarian and vegan options on offer to encourage people at the university to choose something other than meat or fish.


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