
Traditional procession draped in red

The opening of the academic year in pictures

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Traditional procession draped in red

The opening of the academic year in pictures

01-1 intro
The opening of the academic year was even more colourful than usual thanks to the large red felt squares professors attached to their berets. Photographer Reyer Boxem documented the day.

Marketing professor Michel Wedel (in the middle), now with the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, was awarded the Ubbo Emmius medal. He started his academic career at the RUG.


All lined up during the procession.


Rector magnificus Cisca Wijmenga and pro-rectors Gerry Wakker (second to the left) and Jasper Knoester (fourth to the left) in the Martini church.


The student associations showed their solidarity by pinning WOinActie’s red felt square to their lapels.


The procession arrives at the Martini church.


Rector magnificus Cisca Wijmenga congratulates the Alumnus of the Year, journalist Christiaan Triebert.


Astronomer and Spinoza Prize winner Amina Helmi gives a speech about big data and how our universe was formed.


A private chat after the ceremony.

mobile versie
The opening of the academic year was even more colourful than usual thanks to the large red felt squares professors attached to their berets. Photographer Reyer Boxem documented the day.

Marketing professor Michel Wedel (in the middle), now with the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, was awarded the Ubbo Emmius medal. He started his academic career at the RUG.

All lined up during the procession.

Rector magnificus Cisca Wijmenga and pro-rectors Gerry Wakker (second to the left) and Jasper Knoester (fourth to the left) in the Martini church.

The student associations showed their solidarity by pinning WOinActie’s red felt square to their lapels.

The procession arrives at the Martini church.

Rector magnificus Cisca Wijmenga congratulates the Alumnus of the Year, journalist Christiaan Triebert.

Astronomer and Spinoza Prize winner Amina Helmi gives a speech about big data and how our universe was formed.

A private chat after the ceremony.


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