Law faculty will make up exams before summer holidays

Law faculty will make up exams before summer holidays

All the law exams that were postponed due to the corona measures will be made up before the start of the summer holidays. The exam period will be extended by one week.
29 April om 12:09 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:20 uur.
April 29 at 12:09 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:20 PM.
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Door René Hoogschagen

29 April om 12:09 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:20 uur.
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By René Hoogschagen

April 29 at 12:09 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:20 PM.

Inquiries made by UKrant showed that the faculty council has agreed to the plan proposed by the faculty board. 

The current schedule will be changed. First, students will sit the exams for block four, and then the exams for block three. There will be at least a five-day break between the blocks, and exams will be held every other day. Unfortunately, the schedule will not apply to all exams.

The faculty council is especially happy that this will allow students to move on to the next year without suffering any delays. The council members did point to the importance of things like technical support. They feel this proposal is the most feasible one and further discussion will only cause delays. ‘We have to make do with what we’ve got’, says Riëlle van der Velde with Progressief Rechten. 

Only option

Dean Jan Berend Wezeman said this was the only feasible option during the faculty council meeting last week when he announced the plan.

If exams were to be rescheduled for after the current exam period, it would take lecturers until mid-August to grade everything. ‘Then we’d still be doing online teaching in September’, Wezeman predicted. ‘We don’t think that’s a good idea.’

This schedule means everyone can still have a proper break in August. Lecturers who grade quickly can start relaxing as soon as mid-July. ‘That’s important, especially for lecturers who have kids’, said Wezeman, referring to the elementary school holiday, which ends mid-August.

One condition: all lecturers have to stick to the schedule. ‘We can’t have anyone saying they can’t make it because they have a wedding to attend or anything like that. We can’t take that into account, as it’ll mess everything up.’ 


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