Hans G. in the dock

The main suspect in the RUG fraud case, Hans G., is appearing before the judges in Almelo to explain himself this Monday.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The Public Prosecution Office (OM) suspects him of corruption of public servants. Allegedly, G. accepted gifts from service companies in exchange for work at the RUG. He is also said to have put his son and his former daughter-in-law on the payroll of these companies despite the fact that they were not actually employed there. He used shady means to bill the RUG for these costs.

According to the OM, the university lost over a million euros in the case. The RUG wants the suspects to pay this money back to them. The university also wants reimbursement for the costs of the internal investigation they launched.

Hans G.’s secretary is facing the judges as well this Monday. His wife, son, and former daughter-in-law appeared in court last week, as did the owners of two service companies and a handyman. On Thursday, the public prosecutor will announce the punishment she is demanding.

The Almelo courts started proceedings in the fraud case last Monday. They have allotted two and a half weeks for the case.



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