FEB recruits help other faculties with extra minor students [correction]

FEB recruits help with extra minor students [correction]

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was faced with hundreds of students this year who couldn’t do a minor abroad as planned. They couldn’t all be accommodated at FEB, so the faculty had to get creative.
25 January om 16:27 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 26 January 2021
om 20:12 uur.
January 25 at 16:27 PM.
Last modified on January 26, 2021
at 20:12 PM.
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Door Yelena Kilina

25 January om 16:27 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 26 January 2021
om 20:12 uur.
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By Yelena Kilina

January 25 at 16:27 PM.
Last modified on January 26, 2021
at 20:12 PM.

Under normal circumstances, the 350 third-year international business bachelor students would take 30 ECTS worth of courses at partner universities abroad. But since all exchange programmes have been cancelled because of the coronavirus restrictions, FEB had to offer them a fitting alternative.

‘Not being able to complete their exchange minor was a huge issue for our students’, says Alan Muller, director of the international business bachelor. ‘They needed options in order to graduate on time.’ 

Alternative minor

During the first semester of this year, 113 students followed a minor at FEB and 45 others took courses at a different UG faculty. It wasn’t as easy the second semester, however, as there were no minors available at other faculties FEB students could join.  

The faculty does offer its own minor this coming semester, but ‘if we had to accommodate eighty or ninety students within FEB, that would be difficult’, Muller says. He had to arrange for extra courses at other faculties. ‘We are glad we didn’t have to shoulder the entire burden ourselves.’ 

In total, sixty students are taking a minor at FEB in the second semester. Thirty students signed up for a substitute minor in social psychology at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences. ‘It was hugely popular, all thirty spots filled in no time’, says Muller.

Thirty-two students signed up for courses at the Faculty of Arts, nine at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, and eight at the Faculty of Law.

Other alternative solutions for the missed exchange include an online exchange programme or an online internship. So far, thirty students have declined the offer to pursue an alternative programme this academic year, preferring to wait for the options available next year.

This article was rewritten to reflect that FEB never planned to accommodate all students internally.


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