Construction starts on new residential building for UCG students

The construction of a residential tower with space for 270 international students will begin this month, and the first residents are expected to move in by September 2023.

The nineteen-storey student flat will be built on the corner of Vrydemalaan and Wouter van Doeverenplein, next to the UMCG.

The rooms will be rented out by SSH and will be available for students at the University College Groningen (UCG) who are enrolled in the liberal arts and sciences bachelor programme at the Healthy Aging Campus.

The Healthy Aging Campus will also include a large teaching centre for the UMCG and a new building for Usva, among other facilities, according to the general agreement signed by the UG and UMCG in 2018.

Coming together

The rooms will have a private bathroom, so students will only have to share kitchen facilities. There will also be study spaces, a roof terrace, and catering facilities.

‘The design of the tower offers all possibilities for learning, working together and living together’, says UCG dean Hanny Elzinga. ‘Because learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom.’


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