AC/DC on the carillon?

Carillon player Auke de Boer has been playing the RUG’s bells for 20 years, which is cause for celebration. The UK is inviting students and staff to put together a playlist that De Boer will play on 6 December.
Video by Beppie van der Sluis

You may not know him by name, but you know his handiwork: this year, Auke de Boer has been playing the carillon in the RUG’s Academy Tower for 20 years.

In honour of this anniversary, on Tuesday, 6 December between 10 and 11 a.m, he will be playing a concert of songs requested by you, the university community.

Which song would you like to hear coming from the bell tower? That great riff from Deep Purple’s ‘Smoke on the Water’? ‘Yesterday’ by the Beatles? The Rolling Stones’ ‘(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction’? Or maybe something more modern like a bit of hip hop or something jazzy?

To help you get inspired, the UK staff has put together a short Spotfiy playlist of the songs we think would sound pretty great on the bells. But you are free to make up your own mind, of course. And as always: the majority rules.

What would you like to hear? Let us know and submit your request below. We will announce the RUG carillon playlist on, Facebook, Twitter, and in our weekly newsletter.

[contact-form-7 id=”53923″ title=”UK carillon concert”]


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